Tamara Margulis, Developer in 乌拉圭蒙得维的亚,蒙得维的亚省
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Tamara Margulis

Verified Expert  in Engineering


March 18, 2021

资源丰富的WordPress和WooCommerce开发人员, problem solver, 细心的倾听者, Tamara believes in productive communication and careful planning for successful project outcomes. 她有从零开始建立基于wordpress的网站的经验, 开发复杂和直接的插件, 提供WooCommerce解决方案, 解决性能问题, 以及构建API集成.


ACF PRO, Elementor, WP Job Manager, BuddyPress, PHP, NGINX, jQuery, JavaScript...
LearnDash, ACF PRO, Membership Sites, MemberPress, Stripe API, PayPal API...
PHP, Stripe API, Membership Sites, WordPress, JavaScript, jQuery, Stripe...





WordPress, PHP, Elasticsearch, WooCommerce, WordPress API, WordPress插件, APIs, Gravity Forms, AffiliateWP, BuddyPress

The most amazing...

...project I've worked on is migrating a high-traffic forum website with millions of posts, 50万用户, 以及可观的广告盈利.

Work Experience


2021 - PRESENT
  • 协助定义将使用哪些组件来实现网站的一系列要求,以及如何修改它们以适应简报.
  • 开发了一个定制的在线简历创建和管理器,允许候选人填充其不同的部分,并生成一个带有候选人信息和输入经验的样式PDF,并自动附加到他们的应用程序中.
  • 开发了作业提交和作业申请流程的定制,以匹配特定需求.
技术:ACF PRO, Elementor, WP Job Manager, BuddyPress, PHP, NGINX, jQuery, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Git, Web Hosting, 高级自定义字段(ACF), Full-stack, Security, Coupons, Healthcare IT, Web Development, Adobe Photoshop, PHP 7, Yoast SEO


2020 - PRESENT
  • 为一家提供LearnDash在线课程的咨询公司开发了一个全面的解决方案,允许他们的客户通过一个完整的前端定制界面来管理他们的学生经理,管理他们和他们的LearnDash课程.
  • 为员工组的前端注册和管理创建了一个完整的定制解决方案,允许他们在他们的管理下注册特定的LearnDash课程的用户,并跟踪和评论他们的进度.
  • 通过一系列在线教程,培训管理人员使用WordPress,完成解决方案的实施, LearnDash, 以及为他们定制的解决方案.
  • 完成了在LearnDash上运行的定制教练认证和继续教育学分系统的设计和实施,该系统有效地处理了100多个官方认证和自动到期,000名足球教练.
  • Developed customizations and integrations to merge LearnDash with WordPress themes like BuddyBoss, Kleo, Astra, and GeneratePress and adapt LearnDash styling and layouts to clients' needs.
技术:LearnDash, ACF PRO, Membership Sites, MemberPress, Stripe API, PayPal API, Stripe, PayPal, WordPress Themes, HTML到WordPress, WordPress电子商务, 用户体验(UX), MySQL, Sass, Performance, Optimization, Gamification, GamiPress, Elementor, APIs, BuddyPress, 自定义帖子类型, Beaver Builder, 内容营销平台, Learning, Mobile Learning, Adult Learning, 学习管理系统(LMS), 在线课程设计, jQuery, Full-stack, Web Development, PHP 7


2019 - PRESENT
  • 为会员网站开发自动循环付款,让他们的客户能够使用PayPal进行订阅, 通过Stripe信用卡, and SEPA debit payments via Stripe in compliance with the latest EU laws.
  • Tracked and fixed issues with edge cases and specific banking regulations.
  • Oversaw the launch process, onboarding thousands of customers in the first few months.
  • 开发简单到复杂的定制多个WooCommerce扩展和WooCommerce商店的各个方面, 从前端功能和行为到自定义购买体验或在后端生成自定义报告和功能.
  • 使用UPS、FedEx和Stamps创建自定义运输方法.com APIs according to a set of specific client criteria like requesting rates to Stamps based on zip code, volume, and weight of the order and determining the optimal package for it.
  • Built custom payment integrations with dozens of different payment processors, from well-known products to local companies with obscure and not well documented APIs.
  • 代表多个不同公司从头到尾管理集成提交和批准流程, 学习和遵守不同的要求, and saw the process through until integrations were successfully approved.
  • 从简单的单一产品商店到高流量商店, 高度定制的商店每天处理数百个订单, deciding from the server choice and configuration to the final combination of theme, plugins, and custom coding.
  • Fixed broken checkouts under pressure for high functioning WooCommerce stores, 他们的结帐出了问题,每分钟损失数百美元.
  • Customized WooCommerce product pages, cart, and checkout to match various designs provided.
技术:PHP, Stripe API, Membership Sites, WordPress, JavaScript, jQuery, Stripe, PayPal, Mailchimp API, WordPress Themes, HTML到WordPress, WordPress电子商务, Salesforce API, MySQL, Sass, Performance, Optimization, ACF PRO, AffiliateWP, API Connectors, APIs, REST APIs, Google Pay, Apple Pay, Plaid, QuickBooks API, Authorize.net, WooCommerce, WooCommerce API, WooCommerce订阅2, Stamps, FedEx API, UPS API, Elasticsearch, Mailgun, SendGrid, eCommerce, eCommerce APIs, WP eCommerce, SCSS, CSS, CSS3, Full-stack, Stripe Checkout, BrainTree, Coupons, Web Development


2012 - PRESENT
  • Designed the system architecture of close to 500 different WordPress projects, 主要是复杂和高度定制的在线商店, 会员门户网站, 以及网络社区.
  • Developed custom add-ons and extensions for popular and not-so-well-known WordPress products.
  • Oversaw launch processes, resulting in millions of new visitors within the first month.
  • 重建了数百个设计(Figma提供), Sketch, Adobe software, PDF, image files, 和其他格式)作为WordPress网站, matching the design's specific site-wide elements and pages' contents across devices and resolutions.
  • Selected and set up the optimal combination of hosting environment, WordPress theme, 并且插件和自定义代码实现简单, medium, 复杂的前端.
  • Used a wide variety of front-end libraries to create impactful sliders, lightboxes, form inputs, 还有在线计算器.
  • 实现WordPress的Elasticsearch集成,并为BuddyPress和BuddyBoss内容和其他数据类型(如PDF文档)编写自定义扩展, producing high-quality results on large databases with blazing speed.
  • Developed Google-like autosuggest search results in real-time on various WordPress content, 从帖子和用户到各种自定义帖子类型.
  • 为WordPress开发了各种自定义搜索模块, implemented specific designs to display search results on the front end, 并且建立了特定的, 既简单又复杂, 自定义搜索逻辑,以适应客户需求.
技术:AffiliateWP, APIs, Elasticsearch, BuddyPress, PHP, WordPress插件, Gravity Forms, WordPress, WordPress API, Stripe, PayPal, Mailchimp API, WordPress Themes, HTML到WordPress, WordPress电子商务, 用户体验(UX), Salesforce API, MySQL, Sass, Performance, Avada, GeneratePress, Payment APIs, Stamps, PSD to WordPress, Quiz Generation, Memberful, ConvertKit, Redis Cache, Cloudways, Pop-ups, Search, GridPane, Oxygen, WP All Import, 住宅地产, SMTP, WP Job Manager, Google Maps API, API Connectors, Figma, jQuery, Web Development

Gravity Forms Developer

2020 - 2020
  • 利用WooCommerce订阅开发了完整的暖通空调设备和维护访问管理系统, Gravity Forms, GravityView, and a custom plugin developed to act as a bridge between them as well as provide additional features.
  • 为客户和服务技术人员提供端到端的体验,上门服务客户的暖通空调设备. 技术人员进入, tracked equipment through a fully front-end maintenance visits management dashboard.
  • 为团队提供在线辅导课程, 那么谁来培训维修技术人员呢, and oversaw the implementation of the solution in multiple of their client websites.
  • 构建了一个自定义GravityForms插件,根据通过表单提交的值动态创建具有特定特征和使用设置的WooCommerce优惠券.
  • 为GravityForms开发了官方MailChimp插件的自定义扩展,允许某些表单提交使用MailChimp API以不同的预定义方式标记MailChimp联系人.
  • Styled GravityForms to match dozens of different designs provided, from simple edits to highly complex layouts with multiple sections and visual effects.
  • 创建自定义GravityForms电子邮件通知触发器和合并标签,允许以特定方式发送提交的动态内容.
  • 生成一系列12个不同的pdf文件, 每个都有自己的布局和样式, 从GravityForms提交中自动生成,以及在表单中输入值自动填充特定元素.
技术:PHP, Gravity Forms, GravityView, JavaScript, WordPress REST API, WooCommerce, WooCommerce订阅2, Stripe, PayPal, Mailchimp API, WordPress Themes, HTML到WordPress, WordPress电子商务, 用户体验(UX), MySQL, Sass, Optimization, Stripe Checkout


2018 - 2019
  • 在WordPress中重新开发了一个16岁的体育教育者在线社区,其功能包括前端用户提交视频和教育资源, user ratings, 高级搜索和过滤, 论坛讨论, and more.
  • Designed and oversaw the seamless conversion of the existing user base and content from the last 16 years. 只需要一封邮件就可以重置新密码, users had all their data and uploaded content migrated to the new site.
  • 监督发布和发布后的过程, 新用户注册人数增加了380%,这是自2001年发布以来5年多来的最高新登录率.
  • 为每个BuddyPress页面和组件制作了一个完全定制的前端,并提供了匹配的设计.
Technologies: BuddyPress, Elasticsearch, 高级自定义字段(ACF), HTML5 Video, Web Hosting & Domain Setup, Mailchimp API, WordPress Themes, 素描到WordPress, HTML到WordPress, MySQL, Sass, Performance, Optimization, APIs, CSS, 单点登录(SSO), User Roles, Media, 谷歌云存储, Ratings, Social APIs, Shortcodes, 自定义帖子类型, WP Rocket, NGINX, Spam Filtering, 用户注册, jQuery


2017 - 2018
  • 从PHP 5迁移了超过15个网站.6 to PHP 7, 包括测试和更新代码库以解决弃用错误,并执行相应的服务器升级.
  • Developed a custom application that correctly updated the main site's 100,当决定切换提供商时,从以前的播客主机到新的播客主机的000+播客记录, 为他们的500多万用户带来了无缝过渡.
  • 实现了广泛的改进和功能添加,从布局和样式更新到与论坛的集成, 注册并登录社交媒体, 以及定制的推荐播客.
Technologies: WordPress, Podcasting, iTunes Connect, CSS, HTML, HTML5, Web Hosting & Domain Setup, Stripe, PayPal, WordPress to PDF, WordPress Themes, 素描到WordPress, HTML到WordPress, WordPress电子商务, WordPress Design, Gulp, MySQL, Sass, Node.js, Optimization, ACF PRO, 高级自定义字段(ACF), APIs, AffiliateWP, 内容营销平台, Beaver Builder, jQuery

Creative COW

A full-site build of an online community with multiple components, including forums, a blog, 在线学院, and more sections underway like a jobs board and video reels for creators to highlight their work.

我们协助项目开始启动, and to this date, 继续在前端为站点用户添加功能,在后端为站点管理添加功能.

工作包括转换一个大型数据库, 定义需求和底层技术, and building bridges between the different components to achieve a seamless user experience.


一个提供在线瑜伽课程的会员制网站, 提供健康相关信息的博客, 以及欧洲的瑜伽静修.

该网站提供免费试用, 不同的分层订阅,解锁封闭的内容, and integrations with multiple payment gateways to process recurring automatic billing at different intervals.

Custom features developed for this site include a tailored invoicing and reporting system, 生成PDF版本供下载, 以及自定义的ajax视频搜索.


A WordPress-based community site running on BuddyBoss; a paid fork of the popular, 开源插件BuddyPress. It features a front-end submission of videos and teaching resources, 一个管理它们的后端系统, 以及基于elasticsearch的搜索功能.



The system includes searching by different criteria: front-end HVAC equipment, 维护-访问提交和编辑, 以及在订阅地址和物理地址之间的自定义桥接,允许在客户移动或取消订阅时,从客户端无缝地转换设备和访问地址. It also includes the ability for customers to reclaim them when moving into that same address.

维护访问记录包括客户的全部信息, equipment list, 记录的条件, notes, 并要求更换零件.

The system was developed as a plugin to be installed on multiple companies' websites.


一个基于wordpress的网站运行每日导入,它连接到一个房地产第三方平台,并将可用的列表动态地拉入网站, 包括物业图像媒体, video, 以及各种属性数据.


A WordPress, WooCommerce, BuddyBoss (BuddyPress), WP Job Manager, 以及基于ACF pro的网站,帮助英国酒店业的求职者与寻找企业候选人的企业主建立联系.


WordPress API, jQuery, REST APIs, Google Maps API, BuddyPress, Stripe, Mailchimp API, Stripe API, WordPress REST API, PayPal API, Salesforce API, Node.. js,社交API, QuickBooks API,授权.net, WooCommerce API, FedEx API, UPS API


LearnDash, 高级自定义字段(ACF), MemberMouse, WP All Import, Stripe Checkout, AffiliateWP, Figma, Adobe Photoshop, iTunes Connect, GravityView, ACF PRO, Gulp, NGINX, WP Job Manager, Plaid, SendGrid, WP eCommerce, Git


PHP, CSS, JavaScript, HTML, HTML5, PHP 7, Sass, SCSS, CSS3


WordPress, WooCommerce, ConvertKit, Mailgun, Podia


Elasticsearch, MySQL, 谷歌云存储, Redis Cache, Cloudways




WordPress插件,api,重力表单,Web托管 & Domain Setup, Membership Sites, MemberPress, WordPress to PDF, WordPress Themes, 素描到WordPress, HTML到WordPress, PSD to WordPress, WordPress电子商务, Performance, Optimization, Elementor, Full-stack, Coupons, Web Development, Yoast SEO, PayPal, 用户体验(UX), API Connectors, BrainTree, Security, Healthcare IT, HTML5 Video, Podcasting, WooCommerce订阅2, WordPress Design, Avada, Thrive Themes, 插件开发, 单点登录(SSO), User Roles, Media, Ratings, Shortcodes, 自定义帖子类型, WP Rocket, Spam Filtering, 用户注册, GamiPress, Beaver Builder, GeneratePress, Payment APIs, Stamps, Quiz Generation, Memberful, Pop-ups, Search, GridPane, Oxygen, 住宅地产, SMTP, Google Pay, Apple Pay, eCommerce, eCommerce APIs, Learning, Mobile Learning, Adult Learning, 学习管理系统(LMS), 在线课程设计, Web Hosting, 内容营销平台



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