Erik Granström, Developer in Malmö, Sweden
Erik is available for hire
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Erik Granström

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Malmö, Sweden
Toptal Member Since
October 10, 2022

Erik是一名全栈开发人员,在该领域拥有超过十年的经验. 对细节有敏锐的洞察力,对整个项目和产品开发生命周期有广泛的了解, he helps create beautiful, flexible, scalable, and stable products. Erik始终致力于在深入了解客户需求的基础上提供最优质的解决方案.


PHP, Svelte, JavaScript, WordPress, Sass, HTML, Back-end...
PHP, Laravel, Tailwind CSS, Laravel Livewire, UX Design, UI Design
Airspace SE
Svelte, Next.js, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS, Front-end, Responsive UI, Design Tools...




Preferred Environment

Svelte, Vue, React, Next.js, PHP, WordPress, Laravel, HTML, JavaScript, Sass, Redux,全栈开发,全栈

The most amazing...

...thing I've developed is a website and payment system for Release, 这家医疗保健公司迅速发展成为一家在北欧各地设有诊所的特许经营公司.

Work Experience

Software Engineer

2022 - PRESENT
  • 宜家的一个新团队的技术主管是否与宜家的企业网站(如Ingka)合作.com.
  • 对未来现代化的新技术进行了初步研究.
  • Created a prototype for a new corporate website for Ingka.
  • Worked on full-stack web development using various technologies.
Technologies: PHP, Svelte, JavaScript, WordPress, Sass, HTML, Back-end, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), REST APIs, HTML5, CSS, Front-end, Responsive UI, Design Tools, Webpack, Vite, Git, Scrum, Web Development, Tailwind CSS, SQL, Node.js, Figma, Redux, React Router, Back-end Architecture, eCommerce, Full-stack Development, Full-stack, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), UI Design

Full-stack Developer

2022 - 2022
  • Involved in the development of back-end functionality for the iOS app.
  • 开发用于iOS应用的基于web的管理面板的前端功能.
  • 协助将管理面板迁移到新的框架(AlpineJS和Livewire).
技术:PHP, Laravel,顺风CSS, Laravel Livewire, UX设计,UI设计

Senior Front-end Developer

2022 - 2022
Airspace SE
  • Led the front-end migration from Next.js to SvelteKit.
  • Collaborated with the design team to implement a new design.
  • 建议并实施了一个新的支付网关,更直接的预订流程.
Technologies: Svelte, Next.js, TypeScript, HTML5, CSS, Front-end, Responsive UI, Design Tools, Webpack, Vite, Git, JSDoc, Web Development, Tailwind CSS, SQL, Node.js、Figma、电子商务、亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、全栈开发、Socket.IO, UX Design

Full-stack Developer

2022 - 2022
  • 作为核心开发人员为瑞典数百个市政当局和其他公共部门网站使用的市政当局网络平台做出贡献.
  • 优化了网站的性能和可访问性.
  • 改进了web平台的可定制性,使任何编辑器都可以轻松构建新站点, adjust the appearance, and create content.
Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, React, MySQL, Laravel, Back-end, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), REST APIs, Eloquent, HTML5, CSS, Front-end, Responsive UI, Design Tools, Webpack, Docker, Git, Scrum, Web Development, SQL, Node.js, Figma, Redux, React Router, Back-end Architecture, Go, eCommerce, Full-stack Development, Full-stack, WooCommerce, Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Full-stack Developer

2020 - 2022
  • 负责前端开发,根据设计创建设计和功能.
  • 内置后端预订功能,支持多个地点和诊所.
  • Involved in all parts of the project, from start to finish, including planning, development, and launch.
Technologies: React, Node.js, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, WooCommerce, Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Full-stack Developer

2021 - 2021
Lund University
  • 从零开始领导Max IV实验室的新网站开发.
  • 实现了活动目录同步,以便更好地管理用户.
  • Ensured the website followed the design, accessibility, security, privacy, and documentation guidelines.
Technologies: PHP, JavaScript, WordPress, HTML, Sass, Back-end, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), REST APIs, HTML5, CSS, Front-end, Responsive UI, Design Tools, Webpack, Git, Web Development, SQL, Node.js, Figma, Redux, React Router, Back-end Architecture, Python, eCommerce, Full-stack Development, Full-stack, UX Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Full-stack Developer

2020 - 2021
  • 创建了通过网站租用存储单元的预订和支付功能.
  • 将WooCommerce添加到现有网站中,以销售与存储相关的产品.
  • Oversaw on-site SEO and worked with SEO consultants, resulting in a number-one ranking on Google for their target keywords.
Technologies: WordPress, WooCommerce, PHP, JavaScript, UX Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), UI Design

Senior Full-stack Developer

2020 - 2020
Carolina Gynning
  • 与他们的会计系统集成,通过同步产品和订单实现会计流程自动化.
  • 修正了支付网关集成中的错误,并增加了对其他支付方式的支持.
  • 通过为Facebook和Google广告添加更好的广告跟踪,改进了营销分析.
Technologies: WordPress, WooCommerce, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), UI Design

Senior Full-stack Developer

2020 - 2020
Smart Self Storage
  • 创建了一个预订模块,网站上的访客可以直接通过网站预订存储单元,并通过发送到手机上的蓝牙键立即访问存储单元.
  • 集成网站客户数据库与空间管理设施管理软件.
  • 在网站中实现瑞典BankID认证,客户可以通过网站即时验证自己的身份.
  • 根据设计创建预订流程以及预订的所有前端和后端功能.
Technologies: Vue, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SQL, SQL Anywhere, Space Management, Webpack, Git, Web Development, Node.js, Payment APIs, Figma, Back-end Architecture, eCommerce, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Full-stack Development, Full-stack, Vuetify, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), UI Design

Front-end Developer

2020 - 2020
Norrkap Nordic AB
  • 为一个网络应用程序创建了一个新的前端,将初创公司与投资者联系起来.
  • Articulated closely with the design team to implement a new design.
  • 遵循scrum方法,使用Jira进行敏捷项目管理.
Technologies: Vue, JavaScript, HTML, Tailwind CSS, HTML5, CSS, Front-end, Responsive UI, Design Tools, Git, Web Development, Node.js, Payment APIs, React Native, eCommerce, Full-stack Development, UX Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), UI Design

Back-end Developer

2018 - 2019
Visit Group
  • 为丽笙酒店创建预订整合到Visit Group预订平台,用于酒店预订.
  • 在预订系统中增加了错误记录,以便在出现问题时更容易、更快地排除故障和修复错误.
  • Created content blocks and design elements for the customer
Technologies: PHP, UI Design

New Website for MaxIV Laboratory

我是唯一一个为MaxIV实验室创建新网站的开发者. 我负责前台和后台的开发,并与传播部门和设计团队紧密合作进行策划, prioritize, and implement all features. 这个项目有严格的预算和时间表,我在三个月内从零开始.

Web Platform for the Public Sector
I was the core developer of the Municipio web platform, 一个由瑞典赫尔辛堡市维护的开源项目. 该平台针对公共部门的大型组织,需要在安全的环境下创建和管理大型网站, accessible, and customizable way. Dozens of cities in Sweden use Municipio.

Website and Booking System for Vitamin Therapy Franchise
北欧一家维生素治疗专营权的预约系统与物理诊所结合的网站. I was solely responsible for all development, both front and back end, with functionality to manage, book, 并跟进他们的治疗,这些治疗可以在他们在瑞典的任何诊所进行, Denmark, or Norway. 我根据设计构建前端,并参与规划,然后单独开发后端功能,与诊所集成,用户可以轻松地管理患者, journals, bookings, and products.

Visit Umeå
A tourism website for the city of Umeå. On the website, visitors can find information about the city of Umeå, events, sightseeing locations, and much more. 我的职责是创建设计元素和内容块,并为Book Visit平台进行后端集成,使游客能够通过网站预订活动.


PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Sass, HTML5, TypeScript, SQL, Swift, Python, Go


Laravel, Tailwind CSS, Svelte, Next.js, Eloquent, Redux, SwiftUI, React Native, Vuetify, Laravel Livewire


Vue, React, REST APIs, Node.js, React Router, Twilio API, Socket.IO


Back-end Architecture, Scrum, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), UX Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), UI Design, REST, App Development


WordPress, WooCommerce,亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Docker, iOS, Drupal


Web Development, Front-end, Responsive UI, eCommerce, Full-stack Development, Full-stack, JSDoc, Back-end, Design Tools, Payment APIs, Vite, Space Management


Git, Webpack, Figma, Adobe Experience Design (XD)


MySQL, SQL Anywhere

2008 - 2011

High School Diploma in Computer Science, IT and Data Technology

NTI Gymnasiet - Luleå, Sweden

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